July 25, 2010

How to use Opera min [.jar format] in in your Pc

I read this articles in nigerian forum but i cannot try any more i don't like any jar files in my pc. But i will share it to all who wan't to try this something. I think he run this browser like a phone size so if you run the java format in your pc just like a mobile. its maybe 240x320 or either. but its free to use of course. If use a Phone as a moddem or a broadband and you can use any tricks for your browser, like the opera mini  cheats/tricks so its work for free without a load. here are the instructions if you try this.

first you to run java applications
on your
pc or laptop, but you will need a java
emulator, i know of four, but i
will be showing you the easiest one
to use with applications. to download the file, follow the link below..
(2mb) _note: this emulator requires java runtime environment(JRE) to work. To way to test if JRE is installed on your computer, try this method. Click "start"
button click "run" and type "cmd" in the text field, and click "ok". A command prompt window (DOS) is launched. Just type in "java" (without the quotes) and click "enter". eg C:\Documents and Settings\fecz>java if you get something like Usage: java [- options] class [args (to execute a class) or java [-options] -jar jarfil (to execute a jar file) .......... etc then you know that java runtime is installed. Moving to next step. Next extract the file you downloaded previously to a folder open the folder and click the emulator icon to launch the program. On the kemulator window, click "MIDlet" and select "Load jar" then browse for where the java application is located and double click the java application. Thats it. You can play java games and java applications on your computer or Laptop

Lets move to the reason of this
tutorial.... launch Kemulator... On the kemulator window, click "view" then select "Options"..... click the
"network" tab.(This tab may be hidden, just click the tab "2" and other hidden tabs will be displayed. now select the network tab there) in proxy type => select HTTP Proxy in Host => type your
ip (eg for universal tricks, type => in Port =>  80 in domain =>
dont know what its for, but i use
(internet) i think it

i think its not usefull. click "ok" and use the step stated above to load Operamini of your choice. in custom server, type your code there. (eg
and click ok. Browse and download as you wish (NOTE: make sure your phone is already connected with your pc using PC suit or Bluetooth Network connection) EXTRA TIPS: For better browsing experience, You can change the screen resolution (as you know with opera support for full web viewing, the page
will also be formatted to fit screen) To do this, Click "view" >> "options" and in the "custom" tab, we are going to be editing fields screenWidth and ScreenHeight, (eg screenWidth => type 1024, screenHeight => type 800)
Click "ok" and restart Kemulator to apply settings........
compiled by Morrison Laju (morrelinko) ..... official owner of http://myprov.co.cc/

This is d link 4pc PS 1 & 2 emulator: http://psxemulator.gazaxian.com/pSX_1_13.rar
To ease problem with d keypad.
Go to view,option and locate were u will select phone dat u want to use, select series40 the key pad will follow nokia settings.hence the numbers in the pc keyboard wud represent the numbers in d phone and thier symbolic alphabet e.g 2 can type in abc. Also some op4.2 that are not properly modified are easily identified in d pc i.e the option 4 ok & cancel may not function.hence,the browser tested and confirmed 4 easy
keypad input are  p5beta,blackfox, 2.0 etc  at present i use d handler ui for smart,op5beta 4 etic op2.0 4 express 4 pc
to use diff network just go to view -option click 2 and then network to your ip e.g put 2.0 ip
i.e and port 80.
try now and feedback if its work.


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