I know this tricks a few days ago but i share it for all who didn't know.
1. Uzzap Apps
2. Opera Mini 4.2 or Opera Mini 5 beta 2.
3. ID of your want to be victim
Download Uzzap here: Uzzap noynoy version
Uzzap terrorist version
Download Opera Mini 5 beta here:
Opera mini 5 beta Handler.jar
Opera mini 5 beta 2.jar
First you need to find a target to your want to victim.
Check the profile of Uzzap you want to victim
id = ogags
email add in profile uzzap = ogags_ako16@yahoo.com
using your O.M 4.2, visit
If the email is already register in yahoo.
like this im sure this email is same in Uzzap.
then send the email to the new password you to hack.
Then you open the opera mini and you go to www.yahoo.com, then log in your reg. email.
Forum here you'll end ..
Forum here you'll end ..
put your password and id then login in uzzap
So finaly you have a new id to uzzap
Go to Subscription,
here, hehe .. Just like that .. very simple the id hack it already, you have to uzzap unli Credit for the first person who knows it.
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